4/5 combs of Treatment-Free, resilient bees, with brood, pollen & honey on 20in top bars.
Bars and combs are made to fit only standard Horizontal Top-Bar Hives, i.e. Les Crowder style Top-Bar Hives.
These NUCs are essentially young colonies which should establish and overwinter without issues, provided they receive the right nutrition. They are much more established than packages as they come with their own combs of food and brood, providing them with a 4-6 weeks headstart compared to packages picked up at the same time.
Free easy DIY plans for these at www.Bee-Mindful.com/plans (about 1hrs and $30 per colony to make double hives) or purchase kits and assembled hives at www.Bee-Mindful.com/hives-and-bees
PRE-ORDER only, with 2 options:
Option 1 - PRIME BEES Top-Bar NUCs
Prime Bees queens are raised from breeder queens of known VSH and Treatment-Free stock selected for good temperament and overall productivity.
These NUCS are from Prime Bees in Central Texas for local Central Texas/Driftwood or College Station pickup in late May (please specify your preferred pickup location in the order notes).
Option 2 - RUSSIAN Top-Bar NUCs (new in 2025!). SOLD OUT as of January 10
Treatment-Free Top-Bar NUCs of amazingly resilient Russian bees, raised in Central Texas by Bee Mindful, LLC (headed by certified Russian Queens). Our Russian colonies are gentle and productive, frugal and quick to adapt to changes in forage, a very important quality in Texas. They are also very resistant to varroa mites and hygienic (VSH, grooming, natural brood breaks), which makes them perfect for Treatment-Free bee yards.
Pickup in Driftwood in early May (exact date TBD).
This is what you will get, deepending on your selection:
- A corrugated plastic white EZ NUC box used for transport only (yours to keep)
- 4/5 Top-Bars of brood, resources, and bees, including 2+ bars of brood
- A 2025 Treatment-Free Queen (Russian queens are certified by the Russian Honeybee Breeders Association - RHBA - and Prime Bees Queens are raised by them and by Earnie Welch)
- For Russuan NUCs, pickup will be May 2025, as soon as the NUCs are ready to move to our Driftwood pickup location (we will start sending pickup ready emails around April 2025, following order number priority - which is why it is important to pre-order early)
- Please note that exact pickup date is heavily weather dependent and may vary by a few days, although we are anticipating early-May or earlier, weather permitting.
- Prime Bee NUCs will be available later in May.
To become a truly proficient beekeeper, increase your beekeeping knowledge and your bees' chances of survival, consider registring for one of our comprehensive programs, taught by Les Crowder himself and Nathalie B.at www.Bee-Mindful.com/apprenticeships:
- Beekeeping Apprenticeship at www.Bee-Mindful.com/apprenticeships
- Beekeeping Intensive 3-day Workshops at www.Bee-Mindful.com/intensive-workshops
To build your own full size hive to host these bees as they grow into a larger, fully established colony, consider using our free Les Crowder Top-Bar hive plans at www.Bee-Mindful.com/plans
If you prefer to buy one of our Amish handcrafted kits or hives, go to www.Bee-Mindful.com/hives-and-bees
2025 RUSSIAN Treatment-Free Top-Bar NUC colony
- First Come, First Served.
- Order today to reserve your bees for Spring 2025 pickup in Austin, TX, as announced in the Spring.
- All sales are final and non refundable
- Bee Mindful, LLC is not responsible for Prime Bees product's quality or delays in readiness.
- Prime Bees NUCs may be picked up in Driftwood for our customers' convenience
- Exceptionally, customers closer to College Station may pick up directly in College Station to save themselves the trip: just let us know ahead of time or add a note to your order specifying so.